Hold me
Hold me in your arms
Hold me tight
Tell me that everything
Will be alright
Make sure I'm safe
Make sure I'm here
Make sure my soul
Is drained of fear
Touch my cheek
With your soft lips
Gently hold
My freezing finger tips
Keep me warm
Keep me close
Tell me that I'll be the one
That you love the most
I love you every minute
Hour, day, and week
When I think of you
I can hardly even speak
So hold me in your arms
Touch me with your lips
Touch my face
With your warm finger tips
So thanks for saying you love me
Thanks for saying you care
Thank you for the love
That we will always share
Planering v. 46
Testar bara hur den här nya bloggen kommer se ut i all sin glans! För hur skulle världen annars te sig om inte photoshop fanns? You got to love it ;)
Den här bloggen skaffar jag bara för att jag ska kunna testa olika desigener på den här bloggen istället för på min huvudblogg.